Fashion Illustration and Sketching 3 Months Certificate Course

Art Fetchers Institute

Art Fetchers Institute is pleased to offer a 3-month certificate course in Fashion Illustration and Sketching for individuals who are passionate about fashion and want to enhance their artistic skills. This course will provide a comprehensive foundation in the art of fashion illustration and sketching. It is designed to guide students through the principles of drawing, color theory, developing concepts, and techniques of designing fashion sketches. The course is aimed at beginners as well as professionals who want to refine their skills in fashion illustration. Our experienced instructors will teach students how to develop their creativity and expand their portfolio while providing hands-on guidance throughout the course. The course will provide a strong base for those who want to pursue a career in fashion design, as well as anyone who wants to engage in fashion illustration as a hobby. Join us for a stimulating and practical course that will bring out the artist inside of you.

We strive to be committed to the students we are privileged to serve, in our alumni association, our dedicated, talented faculty and staff. We also take pride in having the most active and helpful group of partners, visionary parents, well-wishers, alumni and friends.
Fashion Illustration and Sketching
3 Months Certificate Course

Month 1: Fundamentals of Fashion Illustration

Week 1-2: Introduction to Fashion Illustration

  • Importance of Fashion Illustration in Design
  • Overview of Different Fashion Illustration Styles
  • Basic Anatomy and Proportions for Fashion Drawing

Week 3-4-5: Sketching Techniques and Line Quality

  • Understanding Line Weight and Variation
  • Basic Shapes and Forms in Fashion Illustration
  • Exploring Different Pencil and Ink Techniques

Month 2: Creating Fashion Figures and Details

Week 6-7: Fashion Figure Proportions

  • Drawing Fashion Figures in Different Poses
  • Emphasis on Correct Body Proportions
  • Exploring Movement and Gesture in Poses

Week 8-9-10: Adding Fabrics and Textures

  • Rendering Different Fabrics (silk, denim, leather, etc.)
  • Techniques for Creating Texture and Depth
  • Incorporating Patterns, Prints, and Embellishments

Month 3: Developing a Fashion Illustration Portfolio

Week 11-12: Designing Garments and Silhouettes

  • Sketching Various Types of Garments (dresses, tops, bottoms, outerwear)
  • Focus on Shape, Draping, and Volume
  • Creating Fashion Collage for Inspiration

Week 13-14-15: Building a Digital Portfolio

  • Selecting the Best Illustrations for Portfolio
  • Digital Tools for Enhancing and Presenting Artwork
  • Showcasing Personal Style and Brand Identity

Final Week: Portfolio Presentation and Review

  • Students present their portfolios to the class
  • Peer and instructor feedback
  • Discussion on growth and future steps in fashion illustration